The Kevin Bertram Fan Club
*A Kevin Schmidt Fanclub?


Bertram Gets Penalties/Injury 2-15-04
Fanclub Will Be In FW News-Sentinel
Kevin May Join FWFD
Komet Pictures
Fanclub T-shirts
*Kevin out Vs. Richmond
Bertram Scores, Komets Win.
Komets start off slow, but are on a 3 game win streak
Komets murder QC, have important weekend ahead.
*A Kevin Schmidt Fanclub?
Bertram Performing
Preseason Game 1
T-Shirt Update(10/15/03)


Recently a few fanclub members were discussing the Bertram Fanclub, with Kevin Schmidt, one of Bertram's close friends.  Schmidt said he would love a Fanclub, and would back it 100%.  There is a possiblity of Schmidt joining the Bertram club and having the Bertram/Schmidt fanclub, or starting a new one all together.  Email if interested in either of these ideas.

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