The Kevin Bertram Fan Club
Bertram Scores, Komets Win.


Bertram Gets Penalties/Injury 2-15-04
Fanclub Will Be In FW News-Sentinel
Kevin May Join FWFD
Komet Pictures
Fanclub T-shirts
*Kevin out Vs. Richmond
Bertram Scores, Komets Win.
Komets start off slow, but are on a 3 game win streak
Komets murder QC, have important weekend ahead.
*A Kevin Schmidt Fanclub?
Bertram Performing
Preseason Game 1
T-Shirt Update(10/15/03)


Kevin scored his second goal of the season on saturday.  The fact that he kicked it in, right through the goalies legs, makes it even sweeter. CHEAT TO WIN!!  The Komets won that game to end the weekend with a 2-0 record.

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